Persium Advisors, LLC is required to file annual disclosure documents with the SEC that are called the Form ADV and Form CRS. These documents give you a summary of the types of services Persium Advisors, LLC provides and how you are charged fees. Below are the direct links to our Form ADV and Form CRS on the SEC’s website.
ph 678.322.3000 / fax 678.322.3059
Persium Group, LLC / 2100 Riveredge Parkway, Suite 1230 / Atlanta, GA 30328
Persium Group consists of three teams: Persium Advisors — wealth management for business owners and other investors, NAVIX — exit planning for business owners, and CoVerity — serving the needs of retirement plan committees.
The Persium Group, formerly known as White Horse, is an independently owned and operated firm that was founded in 2004. In 2010, White Horse Advisors, LLC registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser allowing us to operate in a product neutral, fee-only investment environment.